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1 People have a Seventeen Birthday Countdown for October 20th 2013

Countdown 1 to 10 of 1
My 17th Birthday!!, 3837 days ago

Sweet Seventeen! was on  Sunday, 20 October 2013

by Barbielleal,, 1 visits

Top Seventeen Birthday Events
  1. seventeen birthday (8 people)
  2. sweet seventeen birthday (5 people)
  3. seventeen (8 people)
  4. sweet seventeen (5 people)
  5. seventeen forever (1 people)
  6. birthday (2107 people)
  7. two birthday (1 people)
  8. birthday yay (8 people)
  9. seo birthday (3 people)
  10. ray birthday (2 people)
  11. lee min birthday (2 people)
  12. mod birthday (2 people)
  13. please her birthday (2 people)
  14. birthday you (8 people)
  15. its birthday (7 people)
  16. birthday comes (3 people)
  17. joe birthday (3 people)
  18. his birthday (3 people)
  19. min birthday (3 people)
  20. next birthday (2 people)
Top Seventeen Birthday Dates
  1. Mar 17th 2013 (4 people)
  2. May 16th 2012 (1 people)
  3. Oct 20th 2013 (1 people)
  4. Nov 19th 2013 (1 people)
  5. Mar 13th 2015 (1 people)