going to Tennessee was on Thursday, 31 July 2014
at 05:45, CEST timezone (+0200 GMT)
at 05:45, CEST timezone (+0200 GMT)
leaving Germany was 3845 days, 21 hours ago
3 People have this Countdown
Highschooljahr USA 2014/15,
melanie-in-der-usa.blogspot.de, 6 visits
Highschooljahr USA 2014/15: Januar ..., melanie-in-der-usa.blogspot.ch, 1 visits
Highschooljahr USA 2014/15: Gedicht ..., melanie-in-der-usa.blogspot.co ..., 1 visits
Highschooljahr USA 2014/15: Januar ..., melanie-in-der-usa.blogspot.ch, 1 visits
Highschooljahr USA 2014/15: Gedicht ..., melanie-in-der-usa.blogspot.co ..., 1 visits
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