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1 People have a Crystal Countdown for October 30th 2015

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Crystal Blues 2015, 3393 days ago

The top UK Blues competition weekend was on  Friday, 30 October 2015

by Sara White's Blues Nites - the home of Modern Blues - Blues Dancing - Social Dance Evenings - Beginn,, 2 visits

Top Crystal Events
  1. crystal (2 people)
  2. crystal empire (2 people)
  3. crystal ordering day (1 people)
  4. crystal blues 2015 (1 people)
  5. crystal blues challenge (1 people)
Top Crystal Dates
  1. Oct 31st 2014 (1 people)
  2. Feb 28th 2015 (1 people)
  3. Oct 30th 2015 (1 people)