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2 People have a David Returns Countdown

Countdown 1 to 10 of 2
Davids returns, 3976 days ago

the day weve been waiting for! was on  Tuesday, 1 April 2014

by My Kind of Perfect, Thank you for this cute cake sandwich!! #Japan...,, 1 visits

David Archuletas return, 3980 days ago

David Archuleta returns from his mission was on  Friday, 28 March 2014

by Falling stars,, 1 visits

Top David Returns Events
  1. david returns (2 people)
  2. returns (154 people)
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  4. day when returns (2 people)
  5. pll returns (1 people)
  6. once upon returns (1 people)
  7. returns hopefully (1 people)
  8. liz returns (1 people)
  9. kyu jong returns (12 people)
  10. sherlock returns (12 people)
  11. returns with honor (14 people)
  12. kim heechul (2 people)
  13. loki returns (6 people)
  14. god mischief returns (6 people)
  15. hannibal returns (3 people)
  16. returns home with (8 people)
  17. free will returns (3 people)
  18. returns detroit (3 people)
  19. leeteuk returns (3 people)
  20. elder returns with (9 people)
Top David Returns Dates
  1. Mar 27th 2014 (1 people)
  2. Mar 31st 2014 (1 people)