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5 People have a Germany Countdown for July 8th 2014

Countdown 1 to 10 of 5
Leaving Germany, 3844 days ago

Leaving was on  Tuesday, 8 July 2014

by The year of my life,, 4 visits

flight to Australia, 3843 days ago

Leaving Germany was on  Tuesday, 8 July 2014

by Australia 2014/15 - A dream came true,, 3 visits

Australia, 3843 days ago

Leaving Germany was on  Tuesday, 8 July 2014

by Lea goes Downunder.- Mein Abenteuer am anderen Ende der Welt.,, 2 visits

flight to Australia, 3843 days ago

Leaving Germany was on  Tuesday, 8 July 2014

by Australia 2014/15 - A dream came true,, 1 visits

Australia, 3843 days ago

Leaving Germany was on  Tuesday, 8 July 2014

by Lea goes Downunder.- Mein Abenteuer am anderen Ende der Welt.: Andere Weltenbummler...,, 1 visits

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Top Germany Dates
  1. Aug 15th 2014 (6 people)
  2. Jun 7th 2015 (6 people)
  3. Jan 22nd 2014 (5 people)
  4. Jul 8th 2014 (5 people)
  5. Aug 22nd 2014 (5 people)
  6. Aug 25th 2013 (4 people)
  7. Feb 22nd 2014 (4 people)
  8. Jul 19th 2014 (4 people)
  9. Aug 8th 2014 (4 people)
  10. Oct 7th 2014 (4 people)